Friday, November 6, 2009
Remember That Time...
I've had a lot going on. I'm no longer with PETA. Thank God. It was not a good fit. I'm not a believer in micro-management, as I have faith in those that I work with. I also have compassion and love for both animals AND humans. Which is not the case for most folks there. The last few weeks were painful. I've never been treated so poorly in my life.
Anyhow, I had a good "in" at the DC Children's Hospital (Children's National Medical Center), so was able to line up a position in the Pathology dept pretty darn quickly, so bills are paid. :) It's about the exact opposite of what I've done in the past (read: science-related), but it's been great. Such a wonderful work environment - I'm valued, trusted and appreciated. So it's a great space filler until I find my next great move in my Communications/Advertising career.
I will say that the two weeks of time I had off between the two jobs was also incredible! I LOVED staying home. I don't think I could ever get bored with staying at home all day. It would be nice to have some additional spending money on top of the free time. But my apartment was SO CLEAN -- and Jakers got about 12 walks a day. :)
So there's a quick update. I'll try to get back on my blogging game now, too! Some great recipes to always!
Friday, October 2, 2009
A Little Late in the Season
In anticipation of spending some money this weekend, I wanted to save some money on dinner tonight. I looked in my cupboards and noticed how many cans of various beans I had. Why would I buy cannelloni beans, kidney beans and lima beans? And they were all purchased on separate occasions. Hmm. Well, I put 'em to good use and made soup. I ended up making 4 quarts, so I froze some and plan to eat the rest over the weekend, but I did come number-crunching and I think I made all 4 qts for under $10! Maybe someday I'll have my finances under control! :) Anyhow, I was pleasantly surprised with how delicious this turned out. I hope you, too, enjoy this recipe!
Becky's Bean & Veggie Soup
8 cups veggie broth
olive oil
~10 cloves garlic
1 medium onion
3 cans of beans - I think any would work, but I used cannelloni, kidney and lima
4 celery stalks
3 carrots
3 red potatoes
salt, pepper
Old Bay Seasoning (or some other seasoning with a little kick)
Chop onion and garlic cloves, saute in olive oil in large pot (4 qts or larger) until onions become translucent. Add veggie broth and bring to boil. Add salt, pepper and other seasonings. Rinse beans and add to pot. Bring to boil and reduce heat, simmering for about 45 mins. Add chopped carrots, celery and potatoes and simmer another hour.
Serve with bread or crackers. Refrigerate or freeze leftovers.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Long Time, No Post!
Although, my weekend started out kind of rough. Jakers had an emergency vet visit on Saturday morning, and we found out he had a scratch across his eye. Aww! Poor babe! The vet is guessing a cat (perhaps by the name of Mabel?) :) is the culprit. So he's on pain meds and eye drops all weekend. Makes me glad that I didn't plan a trip for this weekend! Plus, I've been back and forth to MN twice in the past month for friends' weddings, so I could use a weekend at home.
Of course I can't have a weekend sans-baking, so I just finished taking my oatmeal raisin cookies out of the oven. I'm not even that big of a fan of oatmeal raisin, but I don't have any vegan chocolate chips in the house, so had to try something new. These are SO GOOD. I think I'll have to bake a full batch (I only made half, so I could have some sweets in the house, but not risk binging!) and bring them into work this week. Just that good.
Try 'em out and let me know what you think! :)
Soft 'n Chewy Oatmeal Raisin CookiesPreheat oven to 350°F.
- 3/4 cup margarine (make sure it's vegan!)
- 1/2 cup sugar
- 1 cup packed brown sugar
- 1 tsp vanilla
- 1/2 cup soy milk
- 1 cup flour
- 1/2 tsp baking soda
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 1 tsp cinnamon
- 1/2 tsp nutmeg
- 1 cup raisins
- 3 cups rolled or quick cooking oatmeal
Beat together the sugar, brown sugar, vegan margarine and vanilla until smooth and fluffy. Add the soy milk and mix until combined.
Add the flour, baking soda, salt and spices, and stir until well mixed. Add raisins and oatmeal.
Drop by 3 inch balls onto cookie sheet and flatten slightly. Bake 12-15 minutes, or until done. Cookies will still be slightly soft and chewy. Perfecto!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
See, I Can Have Fun!
Bar close is 3:00am. Wow. For someone who prefers a 9pm bedtime, this is rough. But I got home a little before 4:00am and eat three chocolate chip muffins before bed(!) I shouldn't bake before going out partying. The temptation is just too great. I will, however, post the recipe below for you to enjoy.
Vegan Chocolate Chip Muffins
1/2 cup vegan margarine, at room temperature
1/3 cup granulated sugar
2 tablespoons brown sugar
2 "eggs" (I always use Ener-G Egg Replacer.)
1 1/2 cups flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 cup soy or rice milk
1 tablespoon cold water
1 cup vegan semisweet chocolate chips
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Either grease 10 muffin cups or use paper liners.
Cream the margarine with an electric mixer until soft. Add both sugars and beat until light and fluffy. Slowly beat in the "eggs".
Sift together the flour and baking powder. Fold this into the margarine mixture, alternating with the soy milk.
Beat in the tablespoon of cold water for about 10 - 15 seconds - just enough for it to mix in with the rest of the batter. Fold in chocolate chips.
Pour batter evenly into the 10 greased/papered muffin cups. Fill the empty cups half full with water to ensure even baking.
Bake for 25 minutes, until lightly browned. Let stand in the muffin pan on a wire rack for about 5 - 7 minutes before lifting them out.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
When Life Gives you Lemons
I apologize for the lack of posts lately. I've got some great new recipes to share, so will try to be more on top of my game. :)
Friday, July 17, 2009
Are We Ever Truly Settled?
It's weird, I feel like that's the last thing on my to-do list since moving. I've hung curtains, gotten some extra furniture, hung the pictures and unpacked the last box. What am I going to stress about and write lists for once that's taken care of?! I guess I'll have to find a hobby. :)
Speaking of making things homey, let's talk comfort food! I've discovered this great recipe on my friend's (and fellow animal activist) blog. It's a vegan mac & cheese. I'm getting to a point where it's hard to tell how things taste from a meat eaters' palette. I mean, I think this tastes like delicious, creamy mac & cheese. But if you taste it side-by-side with the cruelty-filled version, would it taste strange? It's been over a year for me, so I don't know! What I do know is that I LOVE this version and not a single animal suffers for it!
Vegan Mac 'n' Cheese
Full package of macaroni
1/2 cup margarine or vegan butter equivalent
1/2 cup flour
3 1/2 cups boiling water or vegetable broth
1 1/2 tsp salt
2 tbs. soy sauce
1 1/2 tsp minced garlic
1/4 cup (or less) canola oil
1 cup nutritional yeast flakes
Cajun seasoning to garnish (I topped with a little cayenne pepper, as that's all I had)
Begin process of cooking the noodles.
While you're doing that, make the sauce:
Mix the vegan butter and flour and melt on a very low heat until they are thoroughly mixed.
Add the boiling water or vegan stock, salt, soy sauce, garlic, turmeric.
Bring to a very low boil.
Then add vegetable oil and nutritional yeast and mix.
Combine the noodles and the sauce in a large baking pan and sprinkle Cajun seasoning on top.
Bake at 350 degrees for 10 minutes.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Running My Butt Off....Literally?
Along with my running, I'm also altering my diet. Which is something I should have already done, but I'm focusing more on veggies and less on cookies. I wish I didn't love baking so much! But I need to do this to optimize my training. I've never trained for a marathon as a vegan.
I found this great recipe for a mock tuna salad - it's a chick pea salad, but is so tasty. It was on Compassionate Action for Animals' website -- that's the animal advocacy group in Minnesota that first got me interested in the cause. Tonight's dinner was a delicious chick pea salad sandwich with steamed fresh green beans with sauteed onions. YUMMERS. Recipe below. See ya on the roads!
Chick Pea Salad
- 2(15oz.) cans chick-peas, drained
- ¾ cup vegan mayonnaise
- 2/3 cup minced celery
- 1/3 cup minced dill pickle
- ¼ cup nutritional yeast flakes
- 2 green onions, chopped
- 2 teaspoon soy sauce
- ½ salt, or 1 tablespoon miso
- pepper, to taste
In a medium bowl, mash the chick-peas coarsely with a fork. Mix in the remaining ingredients, using ½ cup mayonnaise at first, and then adding more as needed. cover and refrigerate. Use on sandwiches or on a bed of salad greens. (Note: makes a big helping, may want to half the recipe!)
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Typical DMV Love Story
This morning was round 2. I got up at 6:30 and got all dolled up for the DL picture, and arrived around 7:40. So did about 70 other people. Oy. The line moved relatively quickly, though. And by 8:40, I was in the door....with my ticket to sit and wait some more.
They finally call #C210 and I go up to the counter. I get the most disgruntled DMV employee in the history of time. She HATES her job, I promise you that. I mean, she did us the favor of showing up to work...but didn't think we worth a shower. Or a change of clothes. Or a comb through the hair. And she actually stopped working on getting me logged into the computers on several occasions, so that she could pick up her cell phone and text message someone. Um, really? I was sugary sweet, since I was just desperate to get everything taken care of, but it took everything in me to maintain that compsure.
To top off the miserable woman helping me, I get over to the wall for the DL picture, apply a quick coat of pink gloss, adjust my hair, and bust out my best "natural" smile. And it's at that point that pleasant DMV lady informs me that they just just changed the law, and you can't show teeth in your DL picture -- they don't WANT you to smile! Ugh. Enter: awkward, closed-mouth smirk. I can't wait to see that awful picture when my DL arrives in 7-10 business days. :)
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Eat Up, Carnivores
ABC had the right idea, and even referenced the new documentary, Food Inc and interviewed Michael Pollan (great book, check it out!). The let down came in the G-rating format they chose. If you're going to talk the talk, walk the walk and SHOW America the obscene and graphic images that is our factory farming operations. That's where those neat little burgers on the "barbie" came from. It was just way too mild. I'm sure ABC would hate to cause middle-America to gag on their beef stroganoff while eating dinner & watching TV. I gagged on my veggie stir-fry, just hearing about factory farming. Ugh,
For those of you who want to take the risk, keep eating your animal products. And if something tastes a little funny in your meatloaf, don't worry - that's just cow poop.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Only in DC
Anyhow, tonight I was babysitting for them (two boys - age 4 and 6) and we decided to play with sidewalk chalk. I rediscovered my love of the chalk. They keep telling me to draw more roads on the driveway, so they can drive their cars. Then of course we need buildings! So I draw a house...a office building...a factory. And I say, "I think our neighborhood is complete!" And the older boy says, "I don't think so". "What is our neighborhood missing?" I ask. And he replies, "What's a neighborhood without a Lincoln Memorial!?" HA. Only in DC would a 6 year old say that! :)
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Happy Father's Day!

I'm sure Dad would appreciate my delicious lunch today. I made a pan of stuffed manicotti yesterday. YUM. My mom always made these amazing stuffed shells, so I was hoping to replicate that (sans cheese & egg). I found a pretty good recipe online and tweaked it a bit. I think it turned out great. Might add some fresh garlic next time... (not the prettiest picture, but don't judge a book by its cover!)
Vegan Stuffed Manicotti
1 box manicotti or large shells
1 package soft tofu
1 block vegan mozzarella cheese (grated)
1 can petite diced tomatoes
1 pkg frozen, chopped spinach
1/2 onion, diced
1 tsp garlic salt (might try a few fresh, chopped cloves)
1/2 tsp sea salt
1 tsp dried basil
1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 jar of any marinara/spaghetti sauce
Cook pasta, according to box. Mash tofu in medium bowl. Add most of cheese (set aside a handful), tomatoes and spinach. Heat olive oil in a pan and sauté onion for a few minutes - until just starting to brown. Add to mixture. Add garlic /salt, sea salt and basil. Mix well. Fill shells with mixture and place in non-stick pan. Pour marinara sauce over the top and top with handful of cheese. Bake at 350-degrees for about 20 minutes, or until heated all the way through. Enjoy!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Red & Sweaty
Yet I've gained 3 lbs since moving here. Go figure.
ANYHOW, by the time I walk my third .8 mile stretch of the day - leaving the office to take the Metro home - I get on the Metro a hot, sweaty mess.
(Did I mention no on forewarned me about humidity in DC? A coworker informed me today that DC was built on a swamp. Well, now that was dumb! Today was 88-degrees with 90% humidity. SERIOUSLY.)
Getting back to the Metro. I get on it, literally dripping with sweat and my face is a lovely shade of neon red, courtesy of my Chaffee-genetics. I was stuck standing, as the train was full. A few stops in, someone got up from a seat next to me and exited the train, leaving an empty seat. I apparently looked as though I was having a heart attack because an ELDERLY WOMAN standing next to me offered the seat to me rather than sitting herself. WHAT?! I'm a healthy (albeit slightly chubby) 27 year old! I don't need to sit! This grandmother thought she was better off standing and letting the apparent heart attack victim sit?? Puh-lease.
I let her sit down, mopped the sweat droplets out of my eyes and turned back to my book. Hmpf!
Monday, June 8, 2009
Letting Grandma Go

Over the past 3-5 years, she's been experiencing small strokes (called TIAs), had some bleeding on her brain - caused by her blood pressure medication, go figure - and just had a rough few years.
I consider myself a devout Christian. I know when times are bad, I need to put everything in His hands. But it's hard to understand His plan some days. Grandma has done so much for others over her life. She has worked hard -- she never had it easy. And you think in her old age, she should be able to just relax and live happily ever after. Instead, she had to take care of and watch my grandfather slowly slip away from Parkinson's. Even as her own death approaches, it's slow and miserable. I just want her to be able to let go and be with Grandpa again on the other side of the Pearly Gates.
She's my only grandparent that I was able to know. By the time I reached an age where I could communicate, Parkinson's had already taken a hold of my grandpa. And my dad's parents were killed by a drunk driver before I was even born. It makes me mad. Why did I get the short end of the stick?
I know this is a depressing post. But I needed to write some of this down. My heart hurts. And the fact that I am 1,100 miles away as she goes through this certainly doesn't help. But she has family there with her and I KNOW she knows how much I love her.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Taking Care of Business
Combine all that with my needy dog and my 9 hrs per night sleep requirement, not much time for blogging. :)
However, now that life should slow down a bit, I'm determined to make more of an effort to see DC and be more social. When my friend Grant was in town in April for a school conference, one of his friends from school introduced me to her good friend, Eliza, who lives in DC. With Eliza and I both being good ol' Minnesota girls, living in DC, we naturally have something in common. She asked if I wanted to grab coffee today, so we met near her apartment in Capitol Hill. That area is SO CUTE. When I was doing my apartment hunt from Minneapolis, I thought about Capitol Hill, but decided against it, because it really is hard to pick the safe blocks from the unsafe blocks when you're not living there. I felt safer staying out in Arlington, but I could see moving to CH at some point down the road. Find me a nice politician to marry. :)
So Eliza and I grabbed some lunch at her apartment (she's a vegetarian, so that made deciding on what we'd eat easier). Then we walked a few blocks to a cute coffee shop for some iced coffee/chai to combat the humidity. We wandered around the Capitol, the Supreme Court and the Library of Congress. I keep saying t
So it was a good day, and I was glad to get out and do something. Made a quick stop at Whole Foods on the way home and am now preparing to make a little homemade Pad Thai for dinner. I've also got some great new recipes that I'm anxious to post and talk about, but that will have to wait for another day. Oooh, and get out and buy some corn on the cob -- it's in season and deeeeelish! :)
Sunday, May 17, 2009
The Little Man Strikes Again
Let's start with his back story, so you can grasp the situation. Let's go back to two years ago. I was working at Carmichael Lynch, and it was our first summer Friday, so the office shut down at noon. A few of us went out to lunch and my friend, Carrie, suggested going to the Humane Society that afternoon. I was hesitant, since I'd never been and it sounded awfully depressing. She assured me it wasn't and it was an opportunity to give the animals some much-needed love. I agreed to tag along. Although, I warned all three of the other girls that I don't have time for a pet, so don't let me take a cat home (I used to consider myself just a cat person).
We walked in and spent some time with the cats. It took everything in me to resist taking one home. But I knew I didn't have the time or money to devote to a cat. It wouldn't be prudent. We moved on to the dogs and all these labs were jumping at their gates, barking, just begging for attention. We were all petting these anxious labs and giving them our fu

I asked a volunteer if I could take him out to the outdoor dog run. Not because I was going to take him home, but because I thought he deserved the attention -- just because he wasn't as hyper as a lab, begging for love, didn't mean he didn't deserve it. We stepped outside, and while all the other dogs were barking, whining, howling and just overall out of control. This little white mutt was only concerned with me.
That was it. I couldn't live without him. I put a deposit down (sounds weird, I know) and went out that night and bought food, dishes, beds, blankets, toys, treats, leashes...anything that would make this dog's life easier. I felt sick that night, knowing that he had to spend one more minute without a home (I had to work a PT job that night, though, so couldn't get him until Saturday morning). I arrived at the shelter just after they opened that next morning, and wondered if this dog, Jake, would remember me. He did. He definitely did. We had a bond that would last forever. We got out to my car and he crawled onto my lap and was asleep by the time we got out of the parking lot. He knew he could trust me and that I would look after him for the rest of his life.
(Wow. I'm crying, just reliving that day.)
I did some phone calling over the next week and discovered he had been in and out of shelters for the month previous...people kept adopting him, then bringing him back because he had an accident in the house. One person actually brought him back because he shed too much! Working for PETA has allowed me see how often these sorts of things happen -- people don't take owning a pet as seriously as they should.
I've come to learn that Jakers suffers from separation anxiety. He doesn't pee to be naughty....he is permanently scarred and pees out of anxiety. I have done everything in my power to help him feel safe and secure and know that every time I walk out that door, I'll be coming back. But I think the trauma is ingrained in his little brain. And ya know what? I accept him, flaws & all. I just need to put down a training pad everytime I leave and he can do his business there.
Today was a bad day --while I was out running a 5k this morning, Jakers used my carpet as his pee pad. But for every bad day, there are 100 good days. Material things can always be fixed or replaced. You can't put a price on Jakers. I didn't think I had the time to take care of a pet. But really, it was just a matter of priorities. I am more than happy to trade in a night at the bar for the unconditional love of my babies.
Alright, that got lengthy. But you already must realize my passion for Jakers.
PS Tuesday (May 19th) is our anniversary and his 7th birthday. Feel free to send gifts. :)
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Never Doubt Aunt Yiya's Dessert
So I had heard of rice pudding as a youngster, and it always sounded disgusting. Then in high school, we were at a family get-together at my Aunt Carlotta's house (Carlotta knows how to prepare a meal....YUM) and she had made rice pudding as the dessert. I quietly scoffed at her poor judgment -- what a terrible idea for a dessert! But as soon as I took my first pity bite, my life was changed forever. OK, OK...I'm being dramatic. Seriously, though, it was so good! I got the recipe from her and proceeded to make it the very next weekend. The problem, though, is it calls for gallons of half and half and about 3 lbs of sugar. Roughly. And it made this huge batch in a crock pot. But I didn't care. It was good.
I figured once I'd chosen a vegan diet, my days of rice pudding were gone. But luckily, I was proven wrong!! I found this recipe on a fellow bloggers' page and am pretty impressed. It's not quite as rich & creamy as Aunt Yiya's (that's what we called her when we were little, before we could pronounce 'Carlotta'), but it also takes a quarter of the time and I've gotta assume has a quarter of the calories.
I'll post it below as I made it...I cut the recipe in half, because I'm a crazy cat lady who lives alone. If I made the whole thing, Lord knows I would eat the whole thing. In under 5 minutes.
Quick & Easy Rice Pudding
1 cup water
1/2 cup white rice
1 cup non-dairy milk (I used part rice milk/part coconut milk...I think a vanilla flavored variety would be incredible in this recipe!)
1/4 cup sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
Ground cinnamon
1. In a saucepan over medium heat, combine water and rice and bring to a boil. Cover, reduce heat to low and simmer for 15 minutes (or until water is absorbed). Remove saucepan from heat and let sit, covered, for 5 minutes.
2. Add milk and sugar to cooked rice, stirring well. Return saucepan to stove. Cook over medium heat, stirring continuously, for 15 to 20 minutes or until very thick and creamy. Remove from heat and stir in vanilla extract. Let rice pudding cool slightly before serving. If desired, sprinkle with ground cinnamon before serving.
Serves: 1-2, depending on how much rice pudding you can eat in a sitting :)
Sunday, May 10, 2009
One of the Most Special Relationships in your Life
Well, new city = new stylist. And new job at a nonprofit = inexpensive stylist. I looked on craigslist and found a posting from a woman named Giti (ghee-tee), who claimed she had a salon behind her home and was offering 30% off to first time customers. I called and spoke with her on the phone -- she had a very thick accent, so I didn't catch all of it, but I did her hear say she spends her mornings doing hair on the set of CNN and NBC, then did hair out of her home. I feel like if she's good enough for Anderson Cooper, good enough for me. :) And I loved that she could get me in next day (today), since I want to get my highlights fixed up for my brother's wedding in two weeks (remember, the one I'

OK, so I show up and she's got a beautiful home about 20 mins outside DC. She's basically remodeled a 3-season porch into a salon...and it looks good...not nearly as shady looking as I imagined. She proceeds to tell me again how she does hair on the set of CNN and NBC in the morning. I ask her more about it -- and it sounds like she does the hair of guests appearing on air. She said Hillary Clinton is a joy (hrmm?) and then proceeded to tell me how difficult Barabara Walters' air is to do, because it's so thin in the back from her surgeries. "What?! I didn't know Barabara Walters had surgery?! What did she have??" (imagining some brain tumor from 50 years ago that I never heard of) "Oh, she's had two facelifts," Giti says matter-of-factly. HAHAHA! Tell your friends.
To top it off, while my highlights were setting, one of her regulars (she's been doing this woman's hair for 28 years!) came in for a quick trim. They were chit chatting and the regular asks if she's hired someone to start mowing her lawn (at this point I see the schlubby looking guy outside with his pants falling down, pushing a mower around). She says, "well kind of". And the regular asks where she found him. Giti replies, "Oh, well, actually, he's the eldest grandson of the King of Afghanistan." Um, what?! And then she continues to tell us the story of how they met...and 20 minutes later, ends with the fact that they are engaged.
This woman is maybe my favorite ever. I'll definitely be back. Let me know if you're looking for a good stylist with some amazing stories. :) Oh, and my hair looks great, if I do say so myself.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Finding Excuses
Part of it is that, no matter what anyone says, you're going to consume more carbs. Because there are so many foods that you can no longer eat that once helped fill you up (ie cheese, chicken, fish, yogurt), you need to fill that void with something. I LOVE veggies, but I admit that they're not as satisfying as, say, a nice, fresh ciabattta roll...straight out of the oven and soft and gooey in the middle. YUM. I just may wander to Whole Foods most lunch hours to grab one. Anyhow, I digress. I also have always had my reliable go-to diet plan when I wanted to drop a few pounds, which consisted of eating a lot of chicken breast or fish and low-fat yogurt as a snack. So I no longer have my fall-back diet plan available.
BUT one perk is that a lot of the temptations are taken off the table. Most baked goods that you could all-too-easily pick up from the grocery store contain eggs or dairy. And the candy aisle is not nearly as dangerous. I can't eat M&Ms, Snickers, Junior Mints, get the jist. And yet, I find a way around it. I have taken to keeping Whole Foods' vegan chocolate chips on hand. Desperate times call for desperate measures.
Anyhow, I'm really determined to lose these last 15 pounds for summer. So I'm going to see what I can do about a new go-to diet plan. Clearly I'm still going to look and feel obese in my bridesmaid dress in two weeks -- I've accepted that. But I still want to slim down. I'll keep ya posted -- I know you'll be on the edge of your seat until then. :)
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Who Needs Friends When You Have Pets?
Plus, they're still adjusting to a new city and a new home. They need someone there to help ease that transition. I mean, yes, it's been a month and a half now...but there's not time line for a baby's psyche. We can't put a timer on that.
I'm hoping blogging about this helps me fully acknowledge how abnormal it is. That I'm a single 27 year old who should be pursuing social interactions. Even though I do have a comfy couch, a 42-inch flat screen and two of the snoogliest boos that I know. Jus' sayin'...

Monday, May 4, 2009
Always a (Chubby) Bridesmaid...Never a Bride
Oh, and did I mention it's a Catholic wedding?? Aren't strapless dresses frowned upon in Catholic churches? Oof. The Pope better shield his eyes.
Well, back to my dinner of one cucumber, one carrot and 3 radishes. You think I'm kidding, don't you? Sadly, I am not. But if you slice them thin enough and drizzle a tablespoon of Italian dressing over the top, it's like a delicious salad. Kinda. *sigh* :(
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Trust Issues with a Side of Pancakes
I cannot believe how many girls I know getting screwed over by their bastard significant others!
And I'm not talking about "boys being boys" or minor indiscretions. I'm talking about people who have been in long term relationships with pathological liars. I'm no expert in relationships (I'm picky and can't tolerate men with flaws. Even my mother told me to lower my standards. Seriously.), but how do you SLEEP at night when you pull this crap on someone you supposedly love? Or do you truly convince yourself that the lies are true? Like, you've told the lie so many times, that you, yourself, buy it?
Anyhow, this certainly isn't going to help me get out of my single, cat lady ways. I'd much rather spend a night on the couch with some popcorn (Orville Redenbacher's Simply Salted...yum) with my dog and cat than out on a date with someone whose telling me what I want to hear, while simultaneously setting me up for heartache. No sirree bob...I know Jakers and Mabel will never break my heart (especially since we've made a pact -- that they're both going to live forever).
Sorry Mom & Dad. Looks like you'll still have to send me flowers on my birthday, 'cuz ain't no man in my life gonna do it. :)
Alright. On that note, lets eat something fatty and carb-filled to make us feel better. My binge food of choice these days? PANCAKES. Seriously. These pancakes are SO GOOD. I make them really thin, so they almost taste like a crepe. And I eat them with butter and sugar...rolled up like the fattiest treat you can find! Like we already established, I ain't got no one to impress. :) So give these a try. Breakfast, lunch, dinner...there are no rules here. And not a lick of animal suffering in these bad boys.
I made them for Mom this past weekend (she opted for syrup on her pancakes. weirdo.) and she agreed that this is a delicious recipe!
5 Minute Vegan Panacakes
(Courtesy of
Makes 6-8 pancakes (aka just enough for a this fat kid)
1 cup flour
1 tbsp sugar
2 tsps baking powder
1/8 tsp salt
1 c soy or rice milk
2 tbsp vegetable oil
Combine dry ingredients. Add milk and oil. Pour onto preheated skillet or pan. BINGE AWAY.

PS Don't judge my plates. I love my dishes. My dad bought them at an auction. I always say I'll keep these until I get married and can register for something more modern and less Town & Country...but if this blog post tells us anything, it could be awhile. :)
Monday, April 27, 2009
Slacker's Back

My mom came out to DC to visit!! I think it was triggered by an emotional home-sick call I made the =yeah...I have a blog."
Anyhow, so much to talk about. What night I arrived in DC. After the 19 hour drive, arriving to an empty apt, SO over tired, I called home crying. I was never going to admit to that, but there. It's out there. :) So I think that very night my mom booked a flight out to keep me company!
We had such a nice time! We ate excessively (Thai, Italian, Chinese, Japanese, Mexican and vegan restaurants -- we covered 'em all!), spent all day Saturday on The Mall, saw a movie, did some driving around downtown...just enjoyed a weekend in DC! We both agreed that the WWII Monument was our favorite. We also agreed that pasty white girls shouldn't spend

My mom really loved DC. She also loves my apartment and thinks the area I work in is really cute. It's always nice to have a parent's approval, right? Now, just need to convince Dad to come out to DC - I think he would love it, as well!
In other news, we

I'll try to be better about blogging. Thanks for continuing to read. :)