My mom came out to DC to visit!! I think it was triggered by an emotional home-sick call I made the =yeah...I have a blog."
Anyhow, so much to talk about. What night I arrived in DC. After the 19 hour drive, arriving to an empty apt, SO over tired, I called home crying. I was never going to admit to that, but there. It's out there. :) So I think that very night my mom booked a flight out to keep me company!
We had such a nice time! We ate excessively (Thai, Italian, Chinese, Japanese, Mexican and vegan restaurants -- we covered 'em all!), spent all day Saturday on The Mall, saw a movie, did some driving around downtown...just enjoyed a weekend in DC! We both agreed that the WWII Monument was our favorite. We also agreed that pasty white girls shouldn't spend

My mom really loved DC. She also loves my apartment and thinks the area I work in is really cute. It's always nice to have a parent's approval, right? Now, just need to convince Dad to come out to DC - I think he would love it, as well!
I'll stick some pics in. One is of Mom and I at the WWII Memorial -- each state is represented, so we (of course) got a pic by the MN pillar. Then I also need to stick in the pic from the drive to the airport. Jake rs just loved having Grandma visiting him! He insisted on snuggling up next to her in bed each night -- I tried no t to get offended -- and wanted to sit on her lap on the way to the airport. For those of you who don't know, Jakers ALWAYS sits on my lap in the car. So I very safely, while driving, took a photo of the two of them in the car. Awww, loves it!
In other news, we
are officially in our PETA DC office. It's in such a fun location and it forces me to see more of the city. When I was able to work from home, I was bordering on crazy recluse. :) Now I can stare at the Washington Monumet every day, take the Metro in with the rest of the working world and find reason to change out of PJs...not sure if that last one is a good thing or a bad thing... :)
I'll try to be better about blogging. Thanks for continuing to read. :)
In other news, we

I'll try to be better about blogging. Thanks for continuing to read. :)
It was a beautiful weekend to be out and about. Where is the PETA DC office?