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Thursday, June 11, 2009

Red & Sweaty

I walk .8 miles to the Metro every morning. I ride the orange line for about 10 minutes (5 stops) and then walk another .8 miles to work. If you're keeping track, that's over 3 miles a day total. Plus I usually take a walk over lunch. Let's round up to 4 miles.day for drama-sake. OH! And I walk my dog about a mile twice a day. So I walk approx 6 miles per day.

Yet I've gained 3 lbs since moving here. Go figure.

ANYHOW, by the time I walk my third .8 mile stretch of the day - leaving the office to take the Metro home - I get on the Metro a hot, sweaty mess.

(Did I mention no on forewarned me about humidity in DC? A coworker informed me today that DC was built on a swamp. Well, now that was dumb! Today was 88-degrees with 90% humidity. SERIOUSLY.)

Getting back to the Metro. I get on it, literally dripping with sweat and my face is a lovely shade of neon red, courtesy of my Chaffee-genetics. I was stuck standing, as the train was full. A few stops in, someone got up from a seat next to me and exited the train, leaving an empty seat. I apparently looked as though I was having a heart attack because an ELDERLY WOMAN standing next to me offered the seat to me rather than sitting herself. WHAT?! I'm a healthy (albeit slightly chubby) 27 year old! I don't need to sit! This grandmother thought she was better off standing and letting the apparent heart attack victim sit?? Puh-lease.

I let her sit down, mopped the sweat droplets out of my eyes and turned back to my book. Hmpf!

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