It's so adorable! But beyond the cute factor, it's a brilliant way to address the issue of consuming fish. Nobody feels bad for the fish -- and I agree, I'm not aching to snuggle on the couch with a salmon anytime soon. But if you think of them as being creatures - just as adorable kittens are - you kind of think twice about co

I posted the link to this campaign on my Facebook status yesterday and a friend from college remarked that she would still eat her spicy tuna roll even if it WAS a spicy kitten roll, since she couldn't stand cats. After I got beyond the gag reflex at the thought of consuming my baby Mabel, I sent her a link to another amazing site, that I think changed her mind. -- check it out! (sample adorable image to the left, from the site)
Anyhow, back to the Sea Kittens/PETA2 campaign, I created my own Sea Kitten on the site. I named her Eunice, since I think giving pets old-fashioned names is adorable. I'll include her pic below...but go create your own!!

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