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Monday, March 29, 2010

Migraines: God's Way of Reminding us He's in Charge

Oy vey! After 13 years of being migraine-free, joke's on me - they're baaa-aaaaack. I had a really rough week last week, dealing with a severe migraine. It hit me on my way home from CrossFit on Tuesday night. It started, as they typically did back in the 90's when I used to get them so often, with tunnel vision. Then before the headache even set in, I had a really weird symptom. My cognitive thinking went haywire. I couldn't comprehend/read simple things. It was scary - I called my mom to tell her I thought I was having a stroke (can you be aware of a stroke?). And some of the things she was saying were not clicking in my brain, only making me panic more.

I went to the doctor the next day, who immediately sent me to the hospital for a CT scan (in turn, scaring me to death). That came back clear, but she still referred me to a neurologist, who I saw on Friday. He basically said it was part of the migraine, although he was surprised that my comprehension was impacted so much. He gave me a painkiller prescrip for next time one starts to hit, but let's just all pray that I NEVER get another one. Ever. Never.

Anyhow, cooking was kept to a minimum last week, but I do want to share a fun secret that I learned recently. Well, "fun" and "secret" are relative terms, but do with it what you will.

Did you know that you can save the bottom of the green onion and drop it in water and it will regrow?! I've been so happy to learn this, because - let's be honest - every penny counts these days. So I haven't bought green onions (a standard in my daily lunch salads) for weeks!

PS Just beware of any cats in the house. I've come home to green onions and water all over my floor on more than one occasion.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know you could do that! How cool!

    Sorry about your migraines. I used to get them all the time--like multiple times a week at their worst--and they are awful.Hope they stay away!
