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Sunday, April 1, 2012

Just When Everything Seems On Track

We were settling so nicely into life. Job was going well, the apartment was perfect, my social life was in a good place, getting to see the city. Then *BAM*. I come home from dinner & drinks on Thursday night to find Jakers as a whole different dog. He was shaking like a leaf, ears and tail down, staying right on my heels, he didn't want to go out for a walk, he didn't want his treat. He was a different dog than I had left earlier in the day. I was freaked out, but it was 11:30pm and I knew I couldn't do anything until morning. So I lifted him up into bed, he crawled under the covers and seemed to relax. 'Whew! Maybe he was just having an off night.'

We woke up the next morning to the same story. He again didn't want to walk and didn't want to eat. The two things he loves most in life (he's his mother's son). I had a breakdown. I called one of the vets my dog walker had recommended and was able to get a 10:30am appt. I could not control my emotions. I was so scared it was something big. This was such a sudden onset and nothing I'd ever seen before. And I have to accept that he's becoming a little old man - he'll be 10 this year.

Fast forward to me non-stop crying at the vet's office. He has a back injury. The vet thinks it's probably an inflamed disc. (Fairly common in dogs with a long back.) All of his symptoms were typical of a dog in pain. (my heart--> breaking) What I thought was internal organs shutting down was just Jakers' little body trying to cope with the pain in his back. I've never felt a sense of relief like that in my life -- knowing he was going to be just fine after 2 weeks of rest and some meds.

My little patient, on the mend.

So now I've spent the last 3 days lugging my little sack of potatoes up and down the stairs to go potty and onto/off of the couch. He is already so much better! But we have two weeks of this "bed rest", so I need to stay strict. The last thing on earth I want is for him to re-injure his little back.

I did my best to stay home as much as possible this weekend, not wanting to leave my little patient. That meant I did some baking! :) I recently came across Isa Chandra's (aka vegan recipe goddess') recipe for vegan cornbread. The Post Punk Kitchen blog is very well known in the vegan world. Isa is amazing - she can cook and bake like nobody else, plus she's hilarious and VEGAN! I was able to see her do a demonstration at last year's DC VegFest and it only made me love her more. So I knew this recipe would be a good one. I've been eating slices of this warm cornbread, slathered with margarine, but it would be PERFECT served with chili or stew. I'll copy and paste the recipe below, but you should also check out Isa's blog for her other fabulous recipes!

Vegan Cornbread

  • 2 cups cornmeal
  • 1 cup unbleached all-purpose flour
  • 2 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/3 cup canola oil
  • 2 tablespoons maple syrup
  • 2 cups soymilk
  • 2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt


Preheat oven to 350, line a 9×13 baking pan with parchment paper or spray the bottom lightly with non-stick cooking spray.

In a medium bowl, wisk together the soymilk and the vinegar and set aside.

In a large bowl, sift together the dry ingredients (cornmeal, flour, baking powder and salt).
Add the oil and maple syrup to the soymilk mixture. Wisk with a wire wisk or a fork until it is foamy and bubbly, about 2 minutes.

Pour the wet ingredient into the dry and mix together using a large wooden spoon or a firm spatula. Pour batter into the prepared baking pan and bake 30-35 minutes, until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. Slice into squares and serve warm or store in an airtight container.

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