I cannot believe how many girls I know getting screwed over by their bastard significant others!
And I'm not talking about "boys being boys" or minor indiscretions. I'm talking about people who have been in long term relationships with pathological liars. I'm no expert in relationships (I'm picky and can't tolerate men with flaws. Even my mother told me to lower my standards. Seriously.), but how do you SLEEP at night when you pull this crap on someone you supposedly love? Or do you truly convince yourself that the lies are true? Like, you've told the lie so many times, that you, yourself, buy it?
Anyhow, this certainly isn't going to help me get out of my single, cat lady ways. I'd much rather spend a night on the couch with some popcorn (Orville Redenbacher's Simply Salted...yum) with my dog and cat than out on a date with someone whose telling me what I want to hear, while simultaneously setting me up for heartache. No sirree bob...I know Jakers and Mabel will never break my heart (especially since we've made a pact -- that they're both going to live forever).
Sorry Mom & Dad. Looks like you'll still have to send me flowers on my birthday, 'cuz ain't no man in my life gonna do it. :)
Alright. On that note, lets eat something fatty and carb-filled to make us feel better. My binge food of choice these days? PANCAKES. Seriously. These pancakes are SO GOOD. I make them really thin, so they almost taste like a crepe. And I eat them with butter and sugar...rolled up like the fattiest treat you can find! Like we already established, I ain't got no one to impress. :) So give these a try. Breakfast, lunch, dinner...there are no rules here. And not a lick of animal suffering in these bad boys.
I made them for Mom this past weekend (she opted for syrup on her pancakes. weirdo.) and she agreed that this is a delicious recipe!
5 Minute Vegan Panacakes
(Courtesy of RecipeZaar.com)
Makes 6-8 pancakes (aka just enough for a this fat kid)
1 cup flour
1 tbsp sugar
2 tsps baking powder
1/8 tsp salt
1 c soy or rice milk
2 tbsp vegetable oil
Combine dry ingredients. Add milk and oil. Pour onto preheated skillet or pan. BINGE AWAY.

PS Don't judge my plates. I love my dishes. My dad bought them at an auction. I always say I'll keep these until I get married and can register for something more modern and less Town & Country...but if this blog post tells us anything, it could be awhile. :)