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Saturday, March 13, 2010

No, Not the Lettuce Wraps

I am obsessed with take-out. I don't know if it's because, growing up, take-out was only for special occasions (Mom was an amazing cook!), so I'm making up for my childhood OR if it's just because I'm a food addict (which I think I am...I watch more Food Network than any 28-year old should). But lately, I'm constantly tempted. I always want to stop and pick up something fun, even when I have a fridge full of food and don't need to spend the moolah.

Well, today I'm at the bottom of the barrel with my produce, because Sundays are my grocery shopping days, so wanted to make something take-outy with the frozen veggies I had on hand. Tough order, right? But I think I succeeded! I made my favorite dish at PF Chang's: Coconut Curry Vegetables. Yes, I'm the only person on Earth whose fave PF Chang's dish IS NOT the lettuce wraps. I love anything with coconut milk in it...I could practically drink the stuff! But this dish is sweet, hearty and has a great texture. Enjoy!

Coconut Curry Vegetables
  • One block of firm tofu, drained and sliced into ~1" rectangles
  • One bag of frozen veggies (or, if preferred, chop up some fresh veggies)
  • 2 Tbsp canola oil
  • 1 cup canned coconut milk
  • 4 tsp soy sauce (I like low sodium)
  • 1 tsp curry powder
  • 2 Tbsp brown sugar
  • 4 tsp rice vinegar
  • 4 tsp cornstarch, dissolved first in 3 tsp cold water
Combine sauce ingredients in small bowl, using whisk, and set aside.

Heat the canola oil over med-high heat in wok or large pan. Add tofu and cook, turning until golden. Add veggies and heat thoroughly. Re-stir sauce and pour over veggie and tofu. Stir and continue to heat for about 5 more minutes.
Serve over brown rice. (Serves 4)


  1. If it makes you feel any better, if we had cable, all I watch is Food Network. And I am 28. Yep. In fact, I miss cable simply BECAUSE I don't get to watch Food Network. Le sigh.

  2. Haha! Cable is my addiction. For some it's meth, for some it's coke...for me it's that sweet, sweet cable connection.
