Oh, I almost forgot - I went with a few of my girlfriends to see Joel McHale at The State Theater here in glorious Minneapolis. SO FUNNY. It was such a great show. I mean, we all know how brilliant he is on The Soup on E! every week...but I wasn't sure what to expect of him without the teleprompter. But he did not disappoint. His spiel about meeting the Kardashian sisters made me honestly laugh for abotu 10 minutes straight. And a bit on Dick Clark/Ryan Seacrest...too funny. (Had to be there...I'm clearly not going to try and re-tell any jokes.)
Although, his opening act of K.P. Anderson left a lot to be desired. He apparently is a producer & writer on The Soup (and a Mpls native), but maybe he should stick to that producing role. He was super raunchy -- and I'm no prude! But just really vulgar and topics that will never be OK in stand-up (ie Columbine and Lacey Peterson). I don't think I'm alone on that one.
Anyhow, I have a recipe to post, so I need to somehow segue into avocado corn salsa. This is going to be awkward:
You know what else is funny? Avocado corn salsa....hilarious!
Let's just move on. I made a batch of this on Sunday morning and turned it into both lunch and dinner. Of course, as per usual, the salsa is super healthy, but I dow

Avocado Corn Salsa
2 avocados, sliced into ~1" pieces
1 can corn kernels, drained & rinsed (I like the yellow & white Green Giant Niblets)
lime juice to taste
1 medium tomato or a handful of grape tomatoes
1 jalepeno, chopped
1/4 c chopped cilantro
1 scallions, chopped
First put the avocados and corn into a bowl, adding lime juiec to coat (and preventing oxidation of the avocado). Then simply toss in the rest, stirring well. I like to let it sit in the fridge for an hour or so, to get nice and cold and allow the flavors to marinade. Depending on how ripe your avocados are, they may kind of blend in with everything else, otherwise a less ripe avocado will remain sturdy in the chunks you sliced. No worries either way -- it all tastes pretty darn good! :)
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